Chip Seal Road Resurfacing
Update September 1st
As of Fri., Sept. 1, the remainder of Taylors Mill, Brookview Rd, Federal Ln and Stickney driveway have been chip sealed and the chip seal program is now complete.
Approximately 14.5 miles were treated. A street sweeper is scheduled for Tues., Sept. 5 and Wed., Sept. 6 to sweep up the excess stone. Street sweep roads will be in the order they were sealed beginning at the southern end of town.
Update August 28th (Weather Permitting):
Chip seal schedule pending weather.
Monday 8/28 - Complete Rockafellows Mill, Summer Rd from Rt 202 to Lazy Brook Rd, Cozy Ln, and Heath Rd. County Line Rd from Mitchel Rd to the Branchburg line
Tuesday 8/29, Wednesday 8/30 – Rain
Thursday 8/31, Friday 9/1 – Lamington Rd, Halls Mill, Taylors Mill and Stickney driveway
The roads for the later part of the week will depend on how soon the roads dry out.
Update August 16th:
Chip seal was completed on the entire length of Old York Rd. The crew then started Summer Rd at the Branchburg border to Higginsville. Loose gravel / fresh oil signs will remain in place until roads are swept.
Thursday’s plan is to chip Higginsville first, then do Summer Rd from Higginsville to Wawa. Once they are complete we will cover Rockafellows Mill.
Readington Twp. Public Works will be starting their 23’ Chip seal program on or about the week of August 14th.
The following roadways will be included in this resurfacing for Phase One:
- Old York Road from the Branchburg border to Main Street of Three Bridges.
- Summer Road from the Branchburg border to the Route 202 Right of way.
- Higginsville Road from Summer Road to Raritan river bridge, excluding the railroad bridge deck.
- Rockafellows Mill from Barley Sheaf to the dirt road intersection of River Road.
- Heath Road entire length from Roosevelt Road to Cul-de-sac.
Phase Two of resurfacing does not have a tentative date this posting will be updated when that information becomes available.
- Summer Road from Route 202 Right of way. to Lazybrook Road. Completing its entire length.
- Cozy Lane from Summer road to the dead end.
- Cedar Road from Mill Road to Township border (pending road repairs).
- Lamington Road from Old Hwy. 28 to Township border (pending road repairs).
Following this resurfacing we will be sweeping the excess stone that sheds off after this surface treatment, please be patient during this process. Advance warning signs will be in place during construction, please be attentive to the workers during construction and follow their instructions through the jobsites.
For any additional information regarding this project please contact the Readington Twp. Dept. of Public Works (908)534-1058 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Christy Jr
Director of Public Works
CPWM M-1933
ISA NJ-1274A