Traffic Bureau
The Traffic Bureau coordinates many activities dealing with roadways and motor vehicle traffic in Readington Township. The bureau assists not only the officers and administration of the police department internally, but serves as a liaison to outside agencies on a variety of issues involving traffic flow and the condition of roadways. Additionally, the traffic bureau helps the general public with a wide range of issues, including:
- Coordinating the deployment of the Speed Limit Sign.
- Working with the public on roadway safety related concerns.
- Determining the need for additional enforcement activities in problematic traffic violation areas.
- Reviews and approves all accident reports submitted by patrol.
The Traffic Bureau also has these responsibilities:
- Reviews traffic control plans for roadway construction projects.
- Assists patrol officers with severe, fatal and complex motor vehicle crash investigations. Traffic officers have received extensive training on motor vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle crash investigation and reconstruction.
- Reviews the need for additional or revised traffic control signs and regulations.
- Examines traffic flow patterns and conducts speed and volume studies on township roadways and intersections.
- Coordinates the maintenance of enforcement related police equipment.
The Traffic Bureau is currently staffed by Sfc. Carlos Ferreiro who can be reached at (908)534-4031 x379 or and Cpl. Greg Wester, who can be reached at (908)534-4031 x329 or
If you believe that there is a speeding or other recurring traffic problem in your neighborhood, you can complete Traffic Enforcement Request form. Your request will be prioritized based on the availability of our resources and volume of requests received.